Snake Facts

There are more than 3,000 species of snakes in the world and there is at least one type of snake on every continent except Antarctica. While snakes can often be a helpful and fun pet, they are less welcome when showing up in yards and houses uninvited. Many snakes have dangerous venom, but most common yard invaders are more of a nuisance than a real threat.


Pest Tips

Behavior and Habitat

It is a common misconception that snakes build nests for their eggs. Only one species of snake, the king cobra, will build a nest for its young. Not all snakes lay eggs, either. About 70 percent of snakes lay eggs. These types of snakes are called oviparous. The other 30 percent give birth to live young, much like mammals. This is because some climates are too cold for eggs to develop and hatch, so snakes living in colder climates do not lay eggs.

Snakes live in almost every corner of the world. They are found in forests, deserts, swamps and grasslands. Many call underground burrows or the spaces under rocks home. Some snakes, like the cottonmouth water moccasin of North America, live in water part of the time. small animal traps

Temperature Preference

Though they are found all over the world, snakes do not, however, like the cold. This is because they are cold blooded, or ectothermic. This means that they don't have the means to regulate their body temperature as warm blooded creatures do. If it is cold outside, then the snake will be cold, too, since their bodies do not use energy to create heat for warmth.

When it is cold, many snakes hibernate in tunnels underground. Others seek warmer areas, such as inside humans' homes. Capturing and relocating them can prevent them from getting into to your home, although the method used will depend on the size and species of the snake. In cases with a potentially dangerous species, contact a pest control professional.

Snake Trapping Tips

Capturing and relocating snakes can keep them away from your home, although the best method depends on the size and species of the snake. In cases involving a potentially dangerous species, contact a pest control professional.



Snakes don't smell with their noses like humans. They have a forked or split tongue that they use to smell and taste chemical compositions in the air. Snakes don't have eyelids or ears, either, and their eyes don't move. To hear, they feel vibrations through the ground.

Human skin flakes off a little at a time, but snakes shed their entire skin nearly three times a year, which is called molting.

Snakes aren't slimy. Their scales are smooth and dry. Corn snakes use their scales as climbing equipment. They can angle the scales so that it digs into bark, allowing them to climb trees.

The paradise tree snake of Southeast Asia can fly. It swings its body through the air and then flattens into a C-shape to catch the airflow. If it flips its body back and forth it can change directions as it falls.

There are several ways to tell if a snake is poisonous. For example, if its pupil is shaped like a diamond, then the snake is poisonous. Snakes that are non-poisonous have round pupils. Color is another good clue. This rhyme will help you remember the difference between a poisonous coral snake and a non-poisonous scarlet king snake:

     If red touches yellow, it will kill a fellow.
     If red touches black, it's a friend of Jack.

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